Simply Life Insurance

What does Simply Life Insurance offer?

  • Affordable cover for employees.
  • Any combination of life, funeral and disability insurance.
  • A simplified application process that takes less than half an hour.
  • Cover for organisations with five or more employees.
  • Free cover limits of up to R1 500 000, no matter what the health status of an employee is.

Do you want to provide affordable and straightforward life insurance for your employees? A low-cost product such as the ones that the larger companies offer is usually sold through brokers. The problem is that these products are not typically worthwhile for the brokers to sell. They look for more lucrative options to for themselves.

About Simply Life Insurance

It is easier to allow these products to be sold directly to clients online. This is what Simply Financial Simply Life InsuranceServices has done.

They offer highly customisable packages. You can choose to include life cover, funeral cover and disability cover. Choose any one or all of the options. The cap on life cover and disability is R2 000 000. The cap on the funeral cover is R50 000.

By offering this product online, the company is able to reduce costs and make it possible for small to medium enterprises to access insurance options that were not open to them before.

Employees Benefit

The employees benefit because they are able to get the cover they need at group rates. If they were to take a similar product on their own, they would pay a lot more.

The fact that the company pays the premiums directly means that employees don’t have to worry about lapsed cover due to missed payments.

The Company Benefits

Set up is simple because you do everything online. Companies can go in and purchase at a time that suits them. There is no playing phone tag with brokers or having to stick to regular business hours.

Adding or removing employees is extremely easy.

To start off with, all the company needs to do is to upload the details of employees from a spreadsheet and then choose which benefits it wants. Quotes are produced in real-time, and the company can then adjust the cover as necessary.

Because of this bulk upload feature, setting up these policies takes under half an hour.

Brokers Can Benefit

The reason that most brokers don’t deal with group policies of this nature is that it is usually not worth the commission earned.

The company does allow for broker sales. Because of the simplified application process, brokers can now offer clients a full range of solutions without worrying about taking on huge amounts of work for next to no reward.

The Free Cover Limit

The group will provide a certain level of cover, no matter what the health of the employee is. The company calculates FCL per employee. This  the size of the organisation. Companies must have at least five employees to sign up.

For companies that have up to 49 workers, the FCL is R500 000. If your company has between 50 and 99 workers, the FCL is R1 000 000. For companies that have 100 or more than 100 employees, the FCL is R1 500 000.

Simply Life offers a product that saves you time and money. It is easy to apply for and just as simple to administer. For a free quote, please complete the form on this page.

Complete and then submit the form on this page to get a life insurance quote online

All info was correct at time of publishing