Find the Best Hospital Plan

In our economy today we always want what is the best for the money we pay. The same goes for insurance and health care but how do you find the best hospital plan?

The term “best” has a different contextual meanings for each of us. For some, “best” is the cheapest, while for others “best” provides the ultimate service, and for others “best” describes what they get out of the deal. We will look at best from the financial, service and benefits angles.

Best Hospital Plan – The Financial Angle

• The best hospital plan will be an affordable medical aid plan in a scheme with a wide range of medical aid options.
• The plan will be part of a medical aid scheme with a high solvency percentage, preferably above 25%. This will mean the possibility that your claims will be paid are greater.
• The scheme should have a high claims pay out percentage. This also means a bigger chance that all of your claims will be paid.
• The hospital plan you choose should have a scheme rate pay out of 100% or more. This means you should you be required to pay the gap between scheme rate and what the hospital charge the gap will be as small as possible.
• An additional medical savings account to cover day to day benefits is an added bonus.
• The plan should require the minimum amount of co-payments.
Find the Best Hospital Plan

Best Hospital Plan – The Benefits Angle

• The best hospital plan should have an unlimited annual limit. This means your cover will not dry up before the end of year.
• Only the best benefits for your personal needs should do. Consider your medical needs, the best plan will cover all those needs in additional benefits, be it oncology, orthopaedics or whatever benefits it is you need.
• The best plan should have some cover for take home medication. This would mean that you can take home your medication after hospitalization without any extra costs.
• The plan should include after hospital care like; therapy and radiology even if it is for just a limited time.
• The plan should cover specialists and specialist procedures like MRI, PET or CT scans.

Best Hospital Plan – The Service Angle

• The best hospital plan should be part of a medical scheme that prides them on their service delivery.
• The scheme should have an easy claims and pre-authorization process.
• The plan should be part of a scheme with a call centre where you can find help with your queries in a fast and effective manner.
• The rules of the plan should be easy to understand and abide by without you feeling that you have been cheated.

It is always difficult to find the best of the best. Finding the best hospital plan could take some time and effort, but it will be worth your while to search for it. You will benefit by having a medical aid plan that is both affordable, covers your needs and have great service attached to it as well.

Go here to get a health insurance quote online now!


All info was correct at time of publishing