Momentum Life Insurance Quote

By getting a Momentum Life insurance quote you are looking at buy into a leading insurer in South Africa. Not only will Momentum Life supply you with whole life or term life cover. Momentum is also ready to supply you with health care in the form of its registered medical aid.

With regard to Momentum health insurance, it is important to note that when a life insurance company sells you health care the company does not have to adhere to the stipulations in the Medical Schemes Act. Therefore you will be getting minimal cover. That is why Assupol life cover does not even offer health cover options.

Momentum Health

However, when you buy even cheap hospital cover from a medical aid, you have cover for a wide range of treatments for many conditions. These are the Prescribed Minimum Benefits.

But about your Momentum life insurance quote: be assured that you will be getting life cover from an established and reputable insurer. Momentum Life has grown greatly in the last twenty years, not least due to its online presence and excellent website.

Remember when you apply for your Momentum life insurance quote that you are buying basic life insurance only. This will be either whole life insurance, meaning that it applies until you die, or term life, which is for a specified time only. People typically opt for term life to cover their lives until their home is paid for or until their children leave home.

What your momentum life insurance quote will NOT cover

Momentum Life Insurance QuoteWhen you get your Momentum life insurance quote it will NOT cover things like disability cover, loss or earnings, chronic illness or the cost of your children’s education should you pass away.  These would be added extras. You can request that once you have your basic Momentum life insurance quote.

As when buying any kind of life insurance, such as Metropolitan life cover or Sanlam life cover, you should look carefully at the exclusions. These are generally simple and logical. Obviously no insurer will pay out any money on the life of someone who has committed suicide. Neither will they pay out for deaths as a result of natural disaster, political uprising or war.

If you participate in any dangerous activities, such as working high up on power pylons or doing extreme sports such as ice climbing on weekends, you are going to find it difficult to find life cover. If you do manage to persuade Momentum Life to sell you a policy, or if you manage to secure Discovery life cover, this is going to be an expensive exercise. Your monthly premiums will be extremely high.

Where to get a Momentum life insurance quote

Complete the application form on this page to get a comparative quotation. This means you will get the most competitively priced life cover quotations from a number of insurers. Then you can compare these with your Momentum life insurance quote to make sure you get the best deal.


Act now! Use the form on this page to get a life insurance quote! Complete and submit the form

All info was correct at time of publishing